Truly living and doing your best, is enough

2 min readNov 14, 2020

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” -Maya Angelou

Sometimes, you just need an outlet to express your frustrations. Sometimes, you really just need to get things off your chest to feel better. Sometimes, you just hope to reform. Other days, perhaps you think you got to work on changing your attitude.

But no matter what, do always remember that you are going to be okay, You got this.


Your Best.

Is Enough,


Sometimes, I think my best isn’t enough. And it takes some courage and strength, to actually assure myself that it is / was / has been enough.

Take a deep breath.


Everything will be alright.

You’ll be okay, you will be okay, you will be okay.

Truly living and doing your best, is enough.

Quick check:

He is alive.

He breathes.


She is alive.

She breathes.


You are alive.

You are breathing.



Are you TRULY Living?

Quick check:

Shows awareness of surroundings. Cross.

Possess a positive attitude. Cross.

Actively make differences in life. Cross.

Leads a purposeful life. Cross.

Conclusion: You are Breathing, not Truly Living.

On days like these, I take a stroll along the city, make a wish as I picked up this beautiful leaf and hope that you were right there, beside me.

“I wish, you’ll be happy, and blessed.” I mumbled under my breathe.

You probably have no idea, how many times I actually wanted to tell you that you’ve made really good progress over the years. You have come so far.

I should have told you, “I am so proud of you.”

But I never did. I kept them all inside. Every time we have a deep, meaningful conversation, I wished you knew. I could only wish. Do you feel me?

Even as we’re not the same anymore, I guess, there’s a part of sorrow in me, which I’ll never want you to know.

“Please, don’t doubt yourself.”

It wasn’t easy, but thank you for trying, so hard.

You are good, enough.




This March 2021, I embarked on a self care reminder project. Do follow account for notes 💌: